
Discord Promotion

  • Organic promotion
  • Get real, interested users
  • More interaction, better participation

Did you know that you can grow and promote your Crypto/Blockchain brand through Discord?

Many of us use Discord to communicate in-house; however, Discord has grown and is now one of the best platforms for building a community and engaging with your target audience. Community is vital for Crypto and Blockchain brands, which means you can’t afford not to have an active presence on Discord!

When it comes time to build your Crypto/Blockchain community on Discord, our expert team will ensure it’s all set up correctly for you, from the proper channels to roles, bots and much more.

What is Discord

Discord is a platform that uses voice, video, text and chats to help communities communicate. It recently had immense popularity due to its use in the gaming industry and the Crypto and Blockchain industries.

There are many benefits to using Discord for your Blockchain and Crypto brand.

Benefits of Discord:

– Build and curate a community
– Effective branding through storytelling via video, words & images
– Ability to offer excellent customer service
And much more.

Discord for Blockchain/Crypto companies

Discord allows you to share directly with your Blockchain/Crypto community. By sharing text, images and video, you’ll improve brand awareness and image, creating a loyal community base. As long as you provide quality content, your community will continue to grow.

Discord allows you to spread the word about your Blockchain/Crypto company and projects and build interest.

Interested in Discord Promotion?

Our expert team can support your business at all stages